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45,000 pounds of student-grown produce distributed per year

97,200 Servings of Leafy Greens per year

7,900 Students

19 Schools

Co-Founded and Board Chaired by | Triptyk Founder and Executive Director Tara Swibel

Supported by |

New York City Department of Education

United Way of New York City

Denver Public Schools


Newman's Own Foundation

Whole Kids Foundation

Sony Music


Maimonides Medical Center


State of New York Assembly

Borough of Manhattan

City of Brooklyn

Triptyk co-founder and Executive Director, Tara Swibel, co-founded and serves as Board Chair of Teens for Food Justice (TFFJ), a school-based, after-school, and community health program that trains and empowers teens to be hydroponic farmers and food justice ambassadors. Working with students within Title I high schools and middle schools, TFFJ brings food equity to urban communities where good nutrition and healthy food access are a significant challenge, educating youth to be on the front lines of this work. Since its inception, this 501c3 nonprofit has galvanized a youth-led food justice movement working to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to fresh, healthy food, and end the cycle of health complications dramatically and unequally impacting low-income New Yorkers of color living in food deserts. Through their STEM curriculum, TFFJ teaches students how to maintain indoor hydroponic farms and grow thousands of pounds of produce annually, which simultaneously supplies school lunches and families within the surrounding communities.

Co-Founded and Board Chaired by | Triptyk Founder and Executive Director Tara Swibel

Supported by |

New York City Department of Education

United Way of New York City

Denver Public Schools


Newman's Own Foundation

Whole Kids Foundation

Sony Music


Maimonides Medical Center


State of New York Assembly

Borough of Manhattan

City of Brooklyn

Triptyk co-founder and Executive Director, Tara Swibel, co-founded and serves as Board Chair of Teens for Food Justice (TFFJ), a school-based, after-school, and community health program that trains and empowers teens to be hydroponic farmers and food justice ambassadors. Working with students within Title I high schools and middle schools, TFFJ brings food equity to urban communities where good nutrition and healthy food access are a significant challenge, educating youth to be on the front lines of this work. Since its inception, this 501c3 nonprofit has galvanized a youth-led food justice movement working to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to fresh, healthy food, and end the cycle of health complications dramatically and unequally impacting low-income New Yorkers of color living in food deserts. Through their STEM curriculum, TFFJ teaches students how to maintain indoor hydroponic farms and grow thousands of pounds of produce annually, which simultaneously supplies school lunches and families within the surrounding communities.

45,000 pounds of student-grown produce distributed per year
97,200 Servings of Leafy Greens per year
7,900 Students
19 Schools

Triptyk co-founder and Executive Director, Tara Swibel, co-founded and serves as Board Chair of Teens for Food Justice (TFFJ), a school-based, after-school, and community health program that trains and empowers teens to be hydroponic farmers and food justice ambassadors. Working with students within Title I high schools and middle schools, TFFJ brings food equity to urban communities where good nutrition and healthy food access are a significant challenge, educating youth to be on the front lines of this work. Since its inception, this 501c3 nonprofit has galvanized a youth-led food justice movement working to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to fresh, healthy food, and end the cycle of health complications dramatically and unequally impacting low-income New Yorkers of color living in food deserts. Through their STEM curriculum, TFFJ teaches students how to maintain indoor hydroponic farms and grow thousands of pounds of produce annually, which simultaneously supplies school lunches and families within the surrounding communities.