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"Great theater."

"Inspired direction."

"Displays rare talent."

"A must see."

Starring | Dara Goldman, David Weidoff, Kailey Smith, Julie Lancaster, Dylan Osean

Written by | Jessica Goldberg

Original Score by | Adam Westbrook

Produced by | Red Ladders and Hudson Guild Theater

Directed by | B. Swibel

Good Thing is a dark comedy that gives lyrical voice to those who are at a loss for direction and desperate for a sense of meaning and fulfillment -- in other words, all of us some of the time and some of us all of the time.

Starring | Dara Goldman, David Weidoff, Kailey Smith, Julie Lancaster, Dylan Osean

Written by | Jessica Goldberg

Original Score by | Adam Westbrook

Produced by | Red Ladders and Hudson Guild Theater

Directed by | B. Swibel

Good Thing is a dark comedy that gives lyrical voice to those who are at a loss for direction and desperate for a sense of meaning and fulfillment -- in other words, all of us some of the time and some of us all of the time.

"Great theater."
"Inspired direction."
"Displays rare talent."
"A must see."

Good Thing is a dark comedy that gives lyrical voice to those who are at a loss for direction and desperate for a sense of meaning and fulfillment -- in other words, all of us some of the time and some of us all of the time.